The Centrosome

The Centrosome collates in one source the work of scientists actively engaged in studying various aspects of the centrosome, using a wide assortment of experimental approaches, techniques, and model systems. It provides useful background information on the present state of knowledge about the centrosome to researchers and advanced students interested in the organization and behavior of cells. After presenting an overview of a particular area, the articles summarize work from the authors' own laboratories and include new, unpublished material. Emphasis is on the more dynamic aspects of the subject rather than on detailed descriptions. The contributions range from descriptions of the organization of the centrosome at the molecular level to speculations on how the centrosome may affect the behavior of entire cells. Experimental studies are complemented by theoretical considerations to provide added insight into the structure and function of this organelle and by speculations on directions which appear most profitable for future studies. Controversial ideas and conflicting hypotheses, which often provide the driving force for new advances, have also been included.