The Changing Politics of European Security

The Changing Politics of European Security explores the key security challenges confronting Europe, from relations with the US and Russia to the use of military force and the struggle against terrorism. In the future, the authors conclude, European states will act alone, independent of America, on security matters.

MILAGROS ÁLVAREZ Assistant Professor of International and EU Law, University of Barcelona, Spain MALCOLM ANDERSON Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh, UK LENARD J. COHEN Professor, Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada FRASER CAMERON Director of Studies, European Policy Centre (EPC), Brussels, Belgium DIMITRY DANILOV Head of Department for European Security Studies, Moscow-based Institute of Europe (Russian Academy of Sciences), Russia HELGA HAFTENDORN Professor Emeritus of Political Science and International Relations, Free University of Berlin, Germany FRÉDÉRIC MÉRAND Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Montréal, Canada ALEXANDER MOENS Professor of Political Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada