The Cold War and the Period of the 'Thaw'. Peaceful Coexistence? (Bilingual Teaching Unit in History)

Lesson Plan from the year 2016 in the subject History - World History - Modern History, grade: 1,0, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Historisches Seminar), course: Bilinguale Zusatzausbildung, language: English, abstract: The key concept of this teaching unit is 'Global Interactions'. The reason for this concept becomes clear when you take into account that nowadays, global interaction continues to impact the world. Globalization, interdependence, and new media connect the people of most nations. Global interactions have also a magnificent impact on students as they transform everyday life (for example music, products, medical treatments and so on). These interactions broaden our view of the world. Furthermore, global interactions affect more than our personal lives. They also transform or destroy relationships among nations. Some effects are minor, but some bring significant challenges to our economic, political, and social systems. To make the impact of global interactions clear we will have a closer look on the international relations during the cold war, more precisely during the period of the 'thaw'.

09.2009 -03.2011 Universität Hannover 04.2011- 07.2017 Universität Mainz 09.2016 - 03.2017 University of Glasgow 07.2017-01.2019 Studienseminar Meppen 02.2019- Studienrat am Gymnasium