The Day's Play

Excerpt: I selected a handkerchief, gave a last look at the weather, which was beastly, and went down (very late) to breakfast. As I opened the door there was a sudden hush. Everybody looked eagerly at me. Then Miss Fortescue tittered. Well, you know how one feels when that happens. I put my hand quickly to my tie?it was still there. I squinted down my nose, but there was no smut. To make quite sure I went over to the glass. Then Simpson exploded. Yet nobody spoke. They all sat there watching me, and at last I began to get nervous. I opened my mouth to say Good-morning, but before I got it out Miss Blair gave a little shriek of excitement. That upset me altogether. I walked up to the tea-pot, and pouring myself out a cup said, with exaggerated carelessness, Rotten day, isn't it?

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