The House of the Wizard

The House of the Wizard is a young adult fantasy novel written by Mary Imlay Taylor. The story follows a young girl named Leslie, who moves into a mysterious old mansion with her family. As soon as Leslie moves into the mansion, she begins to experience strange and supernatural events. She discovers that the mansion is owned by a powerful wizard named Sarastro, who has been dead for many years but has left behind a magical legacy that still lingers in the house. Leslie soon finds herself drawn into a world of magic and adventure as she learns more about the wizard's legacy and the secrets that the mansion holds. She discovers hidden rooms, magical artifacts, and even encounters the ghost of Sarastro himself. As Leslie becomes more immersed in the world of magic, she also finds herself facing dangers and challenges. She must protect the mansion and its magical artifacts from a group of evil sorcerers who seek to use them for their own nefarious purposes. The House of the Wizard is a thrilling and engaging fantasy novel that captures the wonder and excitement of discovering a magical world. Taylor's descriptions of the mansion and its secrets are vivid and imaginative, and the story is full of action, adventure, and suspense. The novel is sure to appeal to fans of Harry Potter and other popular fantasy series.

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