The Internet's First Entrepreneur

Alan Meckler was the first person to create a commercial Internet business venture back in 1990. This was several years before the introduction of the World Wide Web (1993). How did this come about? Meckler recounts how his publishing and business experiences prior to 1990 prepared him to venture into the commercial Internet arena. This book is the first to cover the 'wild west' days of money flooding into venture capital, IPOs and the beginnings of Internet creative destruction of media, commerce and technology operations that continues today. The author recounts one on one meetings with the likes of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sheldon Adelson, Mark Cuban, Robert Kennedy and many others. Meckler also provides hard learned lessons for up and coming entrepreneurs on fund raising and managing start ups and personnel. This is also a very personal book as it delves into Meckler's battles with dyslexia, family bankruptcy, military training and financial wins and losses.