The Janus Theory

Late in his life, Cody Brenman meets a young, beautiful, intelligent African-American woman, Talanea Jamieson, and a unique relationship develops which greatly impacts their lives. Despite Tally's parents' extreme objections, the relationship deepens. Fraught with their differences in age and color and Tally's intense interest in Cody's past; causes him to look at what his past has made him and where his future will take him. So Tally triggered Cody's recall and remembrances, opening a torrent of memories. Although he has accomplished much, college, two marriages, four daughters and his climb to success in the investment-banking world, Cody must face the tragedies, challenges, and choices of his life. He has been involved in the death and destruction of two wars, as an Air Force fighter pilot in Korea and a special mission's pilot in Vietnam. Cody realizes he can't reconcile or understand how he has arrived at this point in his life; is it fate or God that was responsible for his survival with death so much a part of his life? 'The road of my life has been filled with so many forks, branches, twists and turns, that I have to think of it in phases - people coming and going, in and out of my life, many moving on, or dying, like a long passing parade. Not everyone stays forever.' So, like the mythical Roman God Janus, who has two faces, one looking back and one looking forward, Cody searches the past hoping for help for his future.