The Labradors' Magical Fall

"The Labradors' Magical Fall" is an enchanting tale about three adventurous Labradors named Chudleigh, Autumn, and Finnegan. They live in a charming farmhouse nestled in the hills of Virginia and enjoy cozy nights by the warm fire. One chilly October night, as Autumn dozes off, she suddenly finds herself and her brother, Finnegan, magically transported outside into the frosty evening. In a delightful dream, they embark on an incredible journey, turning the entire landscape into a frosty, icy wonderland. Join Chudleigh, Autumn, and Finnegan in "The Labradors' Magical Fall" to discover the thrilling adventure they experience and find out if dreams truly have the power to come true. Hi, my name is Sharon Rose Blake, and I am a dedicated children's book writer, showing the best of my aptitudes by writing in the classic fiction genre. Working as a childcare provider for a consecutive 23 years has helped me know about children, their likes, dislikes, and everything that keeps them engaged. As a mom of 3 kids, I try to instill in kids -kind, thoughtful & enjoyable ideas that, at the same time, are close to reality. My new arrival, "The Labradors Magical Fall," is an adventure-filled, fun story; a treat to dog-lovers. Since I am new to writing, I have fresh ideas to create stories and mesmerize delicate minds with considerate notions about love, peace, friendship, affection, and more.

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