The Man In The Fairy Tale Isle (Colored Version)

This is the life story of a man who caused a zoological sensation in the late sixties, being the first and only one who located the extremely rare and endangered Mountain Tapir in the jungles of South America. One of the last great collectors of wildlife and respected in the elite field of zoology, Martin Stummer had lived a dangerous and exciting life among unexplored jungle tribes, encountered bizarre sexual rituals and experienced the magical power of trees and their revelations. At the peak of his career, he gave up wildlife collection and retired to a small tropical island somewhere in the Indo-Pacific Ocean to build his own "fairy tale kingdom." Europeans might have seen him in ARD, ZDF, RTL and many other television stations while being interviewed about his exotic island NAGARAO where strange stories abound.

Martin Stummer, Jahrgang 1940, hat ein abenteuerliches Leben hinter sich. Mit 18 Jahren Bergsteigen im Himalaya, mit 21 Gast beim Urwalddoktor Albert Schweitzer, mit 24 Jahren Tierfänger für Prof. B. Grzimek, danach Expeditionen zu Kopfjägern und Kannibalen. Zuletzt wurde er zum König der Insel Nagarao gekrönt. ARD, ZDF, RTL, Stern, Cosmopolitan etc. berichteten über ihn.

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