The Manifold Object of Language

This book is the third component in the ROAL model; it suggests a relation between language and mathematical models of totality relying on verifiability and observability/objectivity models of the linguistic text. In addition of the biomathematical hypothesis, rules of observability and objectivity have been extended to both objective and non-objective models toward a manifolded dimension of the structure within a field dimension of consciousness in which dwells the paradigm of the text as a meta-observability domain for language and natural/individual languages.

Noury Bakrim, PhD in Language Sciences in 2006, is a professor at the University of People (USA-Pasadena). He has lectured at Colleges/Institutes, worked at research centers in France (CNRS), Morocco and Holland. Among his publications, we can mention four theoretical books and various articles on semiotics and linguistics. The actual focus of his work is the bio-linguistic empirical and experimental verifiability of the Real Object Approach Language (ROAL)..

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