The Mind of a Leader

This edited collection examines the mind of leaders throughout the Bible to understand how thoughts and behaviors can support or sabotage leadership efforts. It is divided into three parts: the first part addresses thinking, influence, and communicating through the theoretical lenses of humility, metacognition, and personal well-being. Part Two addresses managing, motivating, and change through the theoretical lenses of leader-follower relationships and Lewin's change model. Finally, Part Three addresses ethics, service, and character through the theoretical lenses of participative leadership, inclusivity, resilience, and mentoring. Each chapter uses a biblical example to demonstrate the role of the mind in the effectiveness of different leaders. This volume will serve as a valuable resource to researchers interested in leadership studies, particularly those examining the biblical perspective.

Bruce E. Winston is Professor of Business and Leadership at Regent University, USA. He previously served as Dean of the School of Leadership Studies. He is co-editor of Leading an African Renaissance: Opportunities and Challenges as well as Ethics: The Old Testament, The New Testament, and Contemporary Application. He is the author of Biblical Principles of Hiring and Developing Employees, Biblical Principles of Leading and Managing Employees, and Biblical Principles of Being an Employee in Contemporary Organizations. He is a co-author of Evaluating Employee Performance through Christian Virtues

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