""The Monk: A Romance"" is a gothic novel written by Matthew Gregory Lewis and first published in 1796. The novel follows the story of Ambrosio, a monk who is respected for his piety and devotion, but who is ultimately corrupted by his own desires and ambitions. As the story progresses, Ambrosio becomes increasingly involved in a series of dark and twisted events, including murder, rape, and black magic. Along the way, he encounters a range of colorful characters, including a mysterious woman named Matilda, who becomes his confidante and advisor. ""The Monk"" is known for its sensational and often controversial subject matter, which includes depictions of sexuality and violence. It is also notable for its use of gothic conventions, including supernatural elements, mysterious settings, and a sense of impending doom. Despite its scandalous reputation, ""The Monk"" was widely read and influential in its time, and is now regarded as a classic of the gothic genre.

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