The Mouse Metaphor. Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse and Art Spiegelman's "Maus"

Master's Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Cultural Studies - Holocaust Studies, grade: 1.7, College of Jewish Studies Heidelberg, language: English, abstract: This thesis contributes to a comprehensive exploration of the anthropomorphic mouse image in Art Spiegelman's graphic novel "Maus" as a reaction to Walt Disney's iconic Mickey Mouse. The discussion delves into the potential motivations and ideologies behind both characters, including Disney's hidden anti-Semitic tendencies. The thesis aims to scrutinize the intentions of these cartoonists and the historical context in which their creations emerged. It employs a comparative approach, examining early sketches and illustrations, and utilizes primary sources, such as "Maus" and MetaMaus, as well as audio materials like interviews with Art Spiegelman. The structure of the thesis comprises chapters dedicated to the cultural significance of the mouse metaphor, Walt Disney's biography, the history of comics, Art Spiegelman's background and intentions, and concludes with a synthesis of research findings and hypothesis evaluation. This study seeks to shed light on the complex relationship between these two mouse images and their cultural implications. In this thesis, I am attempting to enter a discussion regarding the anthropomorphic protagonist image in Art Spiegelman¿s graphic novel "Maus" as a reaction to Walt Disney¿s Mickey Mouse. For these purposes, I will examine the mouse image of Art Spiegelman along with Walt Disney¿s mouse. Answering gradually the following questions: What leaded Walt Disney to use an image of a mouse to create Mickey Mouse cartoon? Did Walt Disney had any hidden ideology behind this specific character? What contributed to the presence of an anti-semitic factor in Disney's biography? Could Art Spiegelman¿s representation in "Maus" graphic novel be considered as a mirror reaction towards Walt Disney¿s depiction? What were the intentions of the cartoonists? I will also provide an overview of the history of the comics, in order to specify Art Spiegelman's background as the cartoonist of a comics medium. Before entering the discussion some preparatory work is necessary to observe, along with the critical materials and methodology which are applied for this dissertation. The methods used for this thesis requires close reading of the "Maus" and MetaMaus10, which are the primary sources for the chapter concerning Art Spiegelman. The examination of the audio material, such as interview collections with Art Spiegelman provides additional information regarding the creation of the graphic novel "Maus" and the cartoonist¿s biographical aspect.