The Paradox of Non-Contestability in the Judicial Reform of Mexican Constitutional Amendments 2024. Formal Analysis and Mathematical Modeling

Scientific Study from the year 2024 in the subject Politics - Political systems in general and in comparison, University of Veracruz (IIESES), language: English, abstract: This article critically examines Mexico's 2024 judicial reform, which introduced the principle of non-contestability (inimpugnabilidad) for constitutional amendments, effectively removing judicial oversight from these amendments. Drawing on comparisons with judicial review frameworks in Germany, India, and the United States, the study reveals the significant risks posed to Mexico's legal coherence, human rights protections, and democratic accountability under this reform. Using formal logic, set theory, and game theory, it models the potential conflicts and incoherences that arise from an unchecked constitutional amendment process. The study argues that non-contestability enables amendments that might contradict Mexico's constitutional principles to stand without a corrective mechanism, raising critical questions about the balance of power and the protection of fundamental rights. Solutions such as establishing a limited judicial review or an independent constitutional review council are proposed to prevent legal inconsistencies and protect democratic principles.

Doctor en Finanzas Públicas con Mención Honorífica de la Universidad Veracruzana, becario en el Programa Nacional de Posgrado en Calidad del CONACYT. Maestría en Administración en el área de Organización y Sistemas y una Maestría en Administración en el área de Recursos Humanos del Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Administrativas de la Universidad Veracruzana, donde ha recibido varios premios por su destacada ventaja , a nivel regional. Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad Veracruzana. Miembro de la Comunidad del Programa Interdisciplinario de Rendición de Cuentas (PIRC - CIDE) Conacyt Miembro de la Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) Co Coordinador del Grupo Temático de Quantitative Research Methods de la Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) Miembro de la Federación de Colegios Economistas de la República Mexicana, AC