The Physics and Metaphysics of Transubstantiation

In this book, Mark P. Fusco offers a historical, philosophical and theological review and appraisal of current research into quantum, post-modern, atheistic, mathematical, and philosophical theories that engage our interpretation of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Ferdinand Ulrich's accounts of Ur-Kenosis. This cross-disciplinary approach inspires a new speculative metaphysical theory based on the representation of being as a holo-somatic ontology. Holocryptic metaphysics gives us a novel interpretation of transubstantiation as it is founded on the findings of quantum mechanical theory. The quantum object and black hole's properties present a new way to explain physical matter based on its holographic identity. This scientific theory for representing physical matter's identity is recognized, for example, in the symmetry existing between a subatomic particle and its orbital shell, a single particle's identity in relationship to its thermodynamic system, Hawking radiation, and black hole entropy. Further, the properties of quantum non-locality and teleportation signpost a new way to understand the Eternal Logos' relationship to Jesus Christ and the Eucharist.

Mark P. Fusco received his PhD from University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto, Canada.

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