The Rise of Mobile Marketing: A Decade of Research in Review is structured around the pillars and the interactions identified within computer-mediated environments: consumer-to-firm, firm-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and firm-to-firm. Mobile marketing papers are broadly classified under three main themes: (1) the transformation of consumer behavior enabled by the mobile shift in consumers' daily routines; (2) the mobile transformation of existing, and the emergence of new, businesses enabled by mobile platforms; and (3) the interaction and integration of the mobile channel with other channels. Section 2 outlines the approach in identifying the research papers that form the basis of this review and provides an overview of the evolution of mobile marketing research over the decade. Section 3 focuses on how mobile technology transforms consumers and their behavior, along with their interactions with other consumers. Section 4 outlines the transformation of traditional businesses and the emergence of new ones. Section 5 delves into how businesses interact with consumers, including the interaction of the mobile channel with traditional channel. Section 6 shows how consumers interact with businesses on the reverse side. The 'business-to-consumer interaction' in this monograph is structured around the 4P's of marketing within the mobile marketing mix. Specifically, mobile apps as stand-alone products and their pricing strategies are discussed in a separate Mobile Apps section. Attention turns to the mobile channel, reviewing the literature on a firm's decision to add the mobile channel to its mix of distribution channels, its integration with existing channels, and its impact on business outcomes. The authors conclude our review of how mobile reshapes business-to-consumer interactions with a discussion on the attitudes towards and the effect of mobile advertising, and the effectiveness of mobile promotions, placing special emphasis on location-based targeting. Last, we discuss the novel uses of mobile data (Section 7) and present avenues for future research (Section 8).

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