The Ritual Murder of a Girl

'The Ritual Murder of a Girl' is a short story by an outstanding Russian prosaist, columnist and playwright Roman Lukich Antropov (1876-1913). The news about a frightful crime reaches Putilin and his right-hand man. Step by step, the characters disclose the details of this terrifying case. Other works by the writer include 'The Duchess and the 'Groom'', 'The Genious of Russian Inquiry I.D.Putilin', 'The Secret of the Sukharev Tower', 'The Smugglers', 'The Robbed Post-office', 'The Club of Knaves of Hearts' and 'The Abductors of Brides'. Roman Lukich Antropov is a famous follower of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his character Sherlock Holmes, which by the will of the author turned into detective Putilin.