The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse

When it comes to the approaching end-times, theologians to regular believers have their own ideas on what will transpire during the Tribulation period, the Rapture and the return of Jesus Christ. However, with Bible prophecy, there is difference of opinion in interpreting the scriptures as God imparted them. Bible teacher and author Larry Ulrich offers readers his own insight and beliefs about the end-times in his new, nonfiction book, The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse. Centered in the truths of the Book of Revelation, the book describes the events to unfold according to the opening of each seal, from the White Horse (First Seal) to Jesus as King (Seventh Seal). Larry also discusses the seventy-week prophecy within the Book of Daniel to round out the scriptural interpretations. The hope is that readers will feel moved to repent and accept Jesus, witnessing the gospel to others for the Kingdom of God. Larry has been studying and teaching the Bible over a period of forty years and has collected a large amount of notes he has made, especially end time prophecy. Larry has enjoyed literally thousands of hours studying and researching the word of God and has the pleasure to teach that word in churches, jails & prisons, on radio and in small Bible studies. God has given His word to bring man to Himself, prophecies are particularly given to prove to man there is a God in heaven who loves him. Larry's goal is to get that word to as many as possible so that when the tribulation comes as many as possible will be saved.