The Square Kilometre Array: An Engineering Perspective

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project is a global project to design and c- struct a revolutionary new radio telescope with of order 1 million square meters of collecting area in the wavelength range from3mto1cm.It will have two - ders of magnitude greater sensitivity than current telescopes and an unprecedented large instantaneous ?eld-of-view. These capabilities will ensure the SKA will play a leading role in solving the major astrophysical and cosmological questions of the day (see the science case at astronom.htm). The SKA will complement major ground- and space-based astronomical facilities under construction or planned in other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g. ALMA, JWST, ELT, XEUS,...). The current schedule for the SKA foresees a decision on the SKA site in 2006, a decisiononthedesignconceptin2009,constructionofthe?rstphase(international path?nder)from2010to2013,andconstructionofthefullarrayfrom2014to2020. The cost is estimated to be about 1000 M . TheSKAProjectcurrentlyinvolves45institutesin17countries,manyofwhich are involved in nationally- or regionally-funded state-of-the-art technical devel- ments being pursued ahead of the 2009 selection of design concept. This Special Issue of Experimental Astronomy provides a snapshot of SKA engineering act- ity around the world, and is based on presentations made at the SKA meeting in Penticton,BC,CanadainJuly2004.Topicscoveredincludeantennaconcepts,so- ware, signal transport and processing, radio frequency interference mitigation, and reports on related technologies in other radio telescopes now under construction. Further information on the project can be found at

Peter Hall is the International Project Engineer for the SKA project. He also chairs the International Engineering Working Group for the project, as well as its Industry Liaison Task Force. Dr Hall has been associated with the SKA since 1997 and prior to his current role he led the CSIRO (Australia) SKA program. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (Australia) and a member of several other international engineering bodies.