The Sun as a Guide to Stellar Physics

The Sun as a Guide to Stellar Physics illustrates the significance of the Sun in understanding stars through anexamination of the discoveries and insights gained from solar physics research. Ranging from theories to modelingand from numerical simulations to instrumentation and data processing, the book provides an overview of whatwe currently understand and how the Sun can be a model for gaining further knowledge about stellar physics.Providing both updates on recent developments in solar physics and applications to stellar physics, this bookstrengthens the solar-stellar connection and summarizes what we know about the Sun for the stellar, space, andgeophysics communities. - Applies observations, theoretical understanding, modeling capabilities and physical processes first revealed by the sun to the study of stellar physics - Illustrates how studies of Proxima Solaris have led to progress in space science, stellar physics and related fields - Uses characteristics of solar phenomena as a guide for understanding the physics of stars