The Tears of the Unicorns I: Temptation

The angel Caylen is entrusted with guiding Eliya back to the path of light, but when his assignment is terminated, she takes her own life in despair. Caylen cannot bear to lose his charge, and desperately searches for a way to bring her back to life. That is when he stumbles upon the Holy Grail, which he learns will show its amazing powers in combination with unicorn blood. He steals the Grail and sets off to find a unicorn. Because of her gift for seeing the future, Miriel, Caylen's sister, is sent to bring back the Grail. Sirion, a mage, will help her with her task. An adventurous and dangerous journey begins, and soon there is much more at stake than there first seemed to be ...

Stephanie Rose, am 15.05.1987 in Heilbronn am Neckar geboren und im beschaulichen Städtchen Gundelsheim aufgewachsen, wurde die künstlerische Begabung von ihrem Vater, einem Goldschmiedemeister und erfolgreichen Maler expressionistischer Werke, in die Wiege gelegt. Ausgestattet mit einer regen Fantasie und stets fasziniert von Mythen und fantastischen Geschichten verfasste sie bereits während der Schulzeit Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten.

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