The Thinking Man's Survival Guide to Managing a Menopausal Partner

Menopausal Ladies! Frustrated that your man doesn't understand you as you go through this uncomfortable stage in your hormonal journey? Allow some 'lightening-up' to bridge the divide and help you get your point across. So much better than stony silences that the gentleman just can't understand, may misinterpret as companionable silence, or at worst, not even notice. An essential guide for you to leave 'lying around' for your significant other to find (if your tidiness OCD allows). It may obviate the need for much nagging, misunderstanding and shrewish behaviour. It may not. But then at least you have tried, and things are explained and justified. We hope. There must always be hope. Gentlemen! Not sure how to weave your way through the menopausal minefield? Let us inject some humour here and provide you with a safe (or safer) pathway. Please be assured that you are not alone, but indeed are one amongst many. Your sufferings are recognised and acknowledged. As is the unfairness of it all. Help is out there, starting with this book.

Tiggy Bailey is a British writer and this is her first book.