The Voyage and Travel of Sir John Maundeville

1883. This work treats the way to Jerusalem; and of marvels of Inde, with other islands and countries reprinted from the edition of 1725 AD, with an introduction, additional notes and glossary. The text from this volume is taken from manuscript Cotton. Tit. C. xvi, as given in the edition of 1725. All that Mr. Halliwell believes is known about the original author's life is given in the preface of the former editor. The language of this history is such as our ancestors spoke, 300 years ago: which is a curiosity, will compensate the reader for the solecisms and uncouth expressions, he will meet with. Before the art of printing was found out, there was no settled method of spelling, therefore the same word is often spelled different ways. This archaic English spelling may have the same word spelled several different ways on the same page.