Theoretical and experimental analysis of the cardanic transmisions

Abstract The present paper topic is comprised within the preoccupations of the Materials Strength teams both from the Faculty of Engineering of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu and from the "Transilvania" University of Bräov, aimed at researching some aspects related to the stresses and strains states that occur in the component elements of a cardan transmission. The paper is structured on six chapters that treat the proposed subject thoroughly, starting with the Introduction, continuing with the State of the art of researches in the domain. Theoretical studies and researches concerning the cardan transmission from Dacia 1304/1307, starts with a verification calculus for the cardan transmission from Dacia 1304/1307, which leads to the conclusions that all elements of the cardan transmission are within the limits imposed by the speciality literature. Then there follows a static analysis with finite elements with the help of the modelling-simulation software SolidWorks - Cosmos, which gives the values of stresses and strains, but also of the nodal displacements and the safety coefficient, these values remaining within the prescribed limits.