Thermo-ecology: Exergy as a Measure of Sustainability integrates thermo-ecology and exergy replacement cost as a new and original tool called thermo-ecology cost, or TEC. This tool allows for a more inclusive measurement of the impacts of using renewable and non-renewable resources by including the thermodynamics law in decision-making and presenting applications of this tool across industries and lifecycle assessments. It includes ways to investigate these effects more effectively by combining these critical aspects. This combination has emerged as a valuable decision-support tool for policymakers and the industry as they seek to evaluate the impacts of a product or process. - Walks through what Thermo-Ecology Cost (TEC) is and why it gives a more holistic assessment when calculating the costs vs benefits of utilizing a natural resource - Provides a new and more efficient way to measure and evaluate the sustainability of resources - Includes: TEC calculation examples to explain the TEC theory as well as to help readers prepare their own analyses devoted to exergo-ecological applications across industries including energy production and waste management - Demonstrates the potential of TEC usage for applications like ecological taxes proportional on TEC

Prof. Wojciech Stanek, PhD., DSc is full professor at the Institute of Thermal Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Silesian University of Technology. He gained his professional experience at the same University where he successively developed his scientific career as a research assistant, assistant professor and associate professor. Currently, he is the Director of Institute of Thermal Technology. He is one of the world's leading experts in the field of exergy. His main areas of interests are energy systems as well as energy and resources conversion technologies. He has worked on mathematical modelling of energy conversion and management in industrial processes, cumulated energy and exergy consumption, thermo-ecological cost method, thermo-economic issues of environmental protection, life cycle analysis and control systems for power and cogeneration plants using advanced measurement data validation. He has published more than 130 papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings. He has served as a subject editor in Energy - The International Journal since 2010. He has been a member of the Commission of Energy of Polish Academy of Sciences since 1999.