Things You Should Know Before You Grow Old

Today's young people can appreciate their formative years, and they can use that time to sensibly prepare for an extraordinary adulthood. The core of the my advice is based on: discovering who you really are; establishing your independence; finding out what your good at; setting and achieving a goal; and how to avoid the trapping of everyday life. Additionally, I uncover the concealed truths and misconceptions that revolve around lifestyle choices, bullies, romantic entanglements, parents, friends, careers, and the authority figures that young individuals often find themselves facing. My purpose is to provide counsel and support, as you confront the challenging decisions that lie ahead, even when you may feel unprepared to make them. Lucky for you, it's an exciting time to be alive. There is a new Age of Enlightenment happening all around us. With some preparation and focus, you can do or be anything-- within reason-- in your brave new world.