Three Bears: Short Mysteries from PI Bear Jacobs

Retired PI Bear Jacobs, Lily Gilbert, and the rest of the gang at Latin's Ranch stand tall on their canes, walkers and wheels to solve crimes and prove seniors are not to be messed with. The short stories in Three Bears include: Bear and the Burrito: In the dark of night, an extra four-legger appears in the Latin's Ranch barn. Who's dropping off mini-donkeys and why? Meanwhile, a dangerous monster who attacks older women must be run out of town.A Bearable Exit: The don of the Sapienza familia can't turn the reins over to his grandson unless Lily's daughter, Sylvia, agrees to a most unique proposal. Bear and friends hold off thugs from two rival mobs. Clan of the Craft Bear: A woodworker is electrocuted while fractal burning; Bear believes it's no accident. Bear's long-lost nephew tries to lure him away from Latin's Ranch... will he leave Lily and the gang?The Three Bears short stories are companions to the Bear Jacobs Mystery series of novels, Bear in Mind, Hard to Bear and Bear at Sea