Topological Invariants of Stratified Spaces

The central theme of this book is the restoration of Poincaré duality on stratified singular spaces by using Verdier-self-dual sheaves such as the prototypical intersection chain sheaf on a complex variety. Highlights include complete and detailed proofs of decomposition theorems for self-dual sheaves, explanation of methods for computing twisted characteristic classes and an introduction to the author's theory of non-Witt spaces and Lagrangian structures.

EMPLOYMENT: Since 2004: Professor at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany
2002 - 2004: Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the University of Cincinnati, USA
1999 - 2002: Van Vleck Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA

EDUCATION: Ph.D. Mathematics, Courant Institute (New York University), May 1999.
Field: Topology.
Dissertation Title: Extending Intersection Homology Type Invariants to non-Witt Spaces.

RESEARCH AREA: Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Stratified Spaces.

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