Transfert quantique® The Unconscious Unveiled

Myriam and Olivier Fassio are psychoanalysts. Myriam Fassio invented a meta-language out of necessity because she couldn't understand one of her patient's symptoms. This tool allowed her to access her patient's story, her emotions and to understand where her blockages came from. olivier Fassio, as a trangenerationnal psychoanalyst, decides to join the Transfert Quantique adventure. Quantum because we are all entangled without considerations of time, space or distance. Quantum because information management is linked to our intentions, our thoughts ans we now know that, despite ourselves, our convictions guide and create our lives. "NOTHING IS IMMUABLE, OUR LIFE IS JUSTE THE SYMPHONY OF OUR INTENTIONS". Myriam Fassio

Myriam Fassio was born in Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle) on July 18, 1969. She is Child psychoanalyst in Sète int the south of France. She is a speaker, author and trainer. After directing a freudian Psychoanalysis Institute for almost ten years, she experimented and acquired many tools in addition to psychoanalysis in order to access the unconscious. This determination led her to the development of this new tool, Transfert Quantique, allowing access to the unconscious to optimize the resolution af all possible conflicts. She invites you in this book to make the journey of this discovery.