Transfiguring a Theologia Crucis through James Cone

Brach S. Jennings takes the theme of theologia crucis that originated in Martin Luther's early texts - and was later transformed by Karl Barth's Barth's Erwählungslehre , Dietrich Bonhoeffer's later theology, and Jürgen Moltmann's eschatologia crucis - and transfigures it for the twenty-first century with the help of Black Liberation Theology founder James H. Cone's work. The result is a reading of Cone's constructive theology as a theologia crucis, located at the intersection of fundamental theology, hermeneutics, and material dogmatics, that befits a contemporary public theology of experiential wisdom ( sapientia ) attuned to global situations of oppression.

Born 1988; 2011 B.A. Music, B.A. History, Bradley University, Peoria, IL; 2015 M.Div., Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA; 2017 M.Th. Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN; 2019 Th.M., Systematic Theology, The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago; 2022 Dr. theol., Systematic Theology, Eberhard Karls Universität,Tübingen; Vicar in the United Protestant Church in Baden.