Transforming the Socio Economy with Digital innovation

Transforming the Socio Economy with Digital Innovation explores the impacts of digital innovation on socioeconomic phenomena, resilience and governance. The book examines the limitation of using GDP as a measure of economic growth in digital societies, stressing how the Internet promotes a 'free' culture that cannot be captured through GDP data. The book synthesizes multi-dimensional research consisting of digital platform ecosystems observations, theoretical appraisals, statistical methods development, in-depth empirical analysis, and database construction for analysis and outcomes compilation. Utilizing analysis from more than 500 global ICT leaders, this book identifies potential challenges and solutions for academic analysis, economic planning and policymaking. - Presents consistently organized chapter structures to create a strong narrative - Provides concrete, evidence-based proposed solutions - Includes appendices of mathematics for techno-economic analysis

Chihiro Watanabe is Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology and Research Professor of University of Jyväskylä. He is the author of 7 books and 200 journal articles, sits on the Board of 8 journals and academic associations, and is recipient of 7 honorable awards. Prior to academia, he worked for 26 years at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. His research focuses on institutional innovation and techno-economics.