Treating Nicotine Dependence with Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen (PAN)

This is an easy-to-read book for professionals and intelligent lay people alike. It outlines a revolutionary technique for treating substance abuse that has a firm scientific basis and which has helped thousands of nicotine, alcohol and other addicts in South Africa, Scandinavia and the USA. Physicians and dentists can improve their knowledge of substance abuse, while allowing dentists to treat nicotine dependence in dental practice. Insights from the book enables doctors to treat nicotine and other forms of substance abuse in a safe, rapid and effective way. Lay people would increase their knowledge on substance abuse and find interesting and informative insights into the technique. Professionals will receive practical details of the use of PAN (psychotropic analgesic nitrous oxide) for treating substance abuse with special emphasis on nicotine addiction. According to Prof Morris Clark, University of Colorado, Denver, and author of the current gold-standard textbook on the use of nitrous oxide for conscious sedation:'Prof Mark Gillman is a pioneering researcher and leader in the use and application of nitrous oxide' for treating substance abuse. Clark continues that Prof Gillman's 'opinion, experience and advice is much sought after worldwide. He received accolades for this ground breaking insight into this aspect on nitrous oxide use and readers of this text will appreciate the passion and the knowledge of the author and receive inspiration to stand on his shoulders and learn; also to illuminate this knowledge for their profession and their patients just as Mark Gillman has done over a lifetime.'