Tritiyo Onko Iti, Ami

Duryodhana was not a creation of circumstances. His parents had very prominent roles in fixing his destiny to fulfill their unquenched thirst for desires. In today's society, the Duryodhanas do exist, as do exist the peer-defined ambitions of parents. The first play 'Tritiyo Onko' depicts the way how life, once drawn towards the self-centric yet unaccomplished destiny can be consciously driven to make a turnaround towards the path that makes living an experience of fulfillment.After realizing how identity and memories can create the never-ending psychological nightmares of fear and insecurity, industry magnet Buddha Brahma concludes that it is he who has to take charge of his life by overriding the bondages of his compulsive behaviors and only then would life reveal its true form that finally matters. The second play 'Iti Ami' narrates such a story that is deeply embedded in everyone's mental landscape and that every individual is struggling to get relieved of.