This book provides a solid scientific basis for researchers, practitioners and students interested in the application of genetic principles to tropical forest ecology and management. It presents a concise overview of genetic variation, evolutionary processes and the human impact on forest genetic resources in the tropics. In addition, modern tools to assess genetic diversity patterns and the dynamics of genetic structures are introduced to the non-specialist reader.

R. Finkeldey: Chair of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding, Göttingen University, Germany. Long-term assignment in research and development projects in Southeast-Asia related to the conservation and sustainable utilization of forest genetic resources. Numerous research projects on genetic diversity and the evolutionary dynamics of tropical forest tree species worldwide. Interests in molecular population genetics, ecological genetics and genomics of forest trees, and human impact on forest genetic resources.

Hans H. Hattemer: Formerly in charge of Chair of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding, University of Göttingen. After long-term activity in tree breeding change to forest biometry, later forest genetics at this university. One-year research appointments in the United States of America and Sweden. Numerous research projects on the reproductive systems of tree populations in various countries. Interest in plant population genetics, ecological genetics, and the genetics of human impacts on biological populations and their genetic resources.