Trouble on the Far Right

In Europe, the far right is gaining momentum on the streets and in parliaments. By taking a close look at contemporary practices and strategies of far-right actors, the present volume explores this right-ward shift of European publics and politics. It assembles analyses of changing mobilization patterns and their effects on the local, national and transnational level. International experts, among them Tamir Bar-On, Liz Fekete, Matthew Kott, and Graham Macklin, scrutinize new forms of coalition building, mainstreaming and transnationalization tendencies as aspects of diversified far-right politics in Europe.

Laura Lotte Laloire is a Master student of International Studies/Peace and Conflict Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany. She works as a student assistant at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and as a free-lance journalist. Maik Fielitz is PhD Candidate at the Cluster of Excellence »The Formation of Normative Orders« and associated to the Chair of International Relations and Theories of Global Orders at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany. In his work, he focusses on the rise of neo-fascism in Greece and is affiliated to the research program »International Dissidence - Rule and Dissent in Global Politics«.