Urban Transport and Land Use Planning: A Synthesis of Global Knowledge

Urban Transport and Land Use Planning: A Synthesis of Global Knowledge, Volume Nine in the Advances in Transport Policy and Planning series assesses practices and policies from around the world. Chapters in this updated release include TOD and travel behavior research: A bibliographical review, Mass transit investments and land use in Latin America: A review of recent developments and research findings, TODness and its impacts on TOD performance, Corridor and networked TODs: Concept and planning support tools, Rail-centered accessibility: Concept, policy, and practice, Smart growth and travel behavior: A synthesis, Advances in integrated land use transport modeling, and much more. Other sections cover Residential self-selection in the relationship between the built environment and travel behavior: a literature review and research agenda, Threshold and synergistic effects in land use-travel research, Parking requirements: How land use policy acts as transport policy, The shifting coalition for transportation/land-use policy reform, and Compact urban development in Norway: Spatial changes and underlying policies. - Provides the authority and expertise of leading contributors from an international board of authors - Presents the latest release in the Advances in Transport Policy and Planning series