Verbrauchervertragsrecht und allgemeines Vertragsrecht

The European Community’s directives regarding consumer contract law present national legislators with the challenge of implementing the European targets into their national private law systems. Although in recent times a certain tendency towards implementing consumer contract law (right) in the general private law codification is perceivable, there is (still) at present no European consensus on the optimal position of consumer contract law in private law system. As exemplary investigation has proven, each solution possesses inherent advantages and disadvantages. An overall evaluation, therefore, is not feasible. Instead, the systematic position of consumer contract law is to be determined on the basis of the specific development level in the respective legal order.

Alexander von Vogel  ist Referendar im Bezirk des Kammergerichts (Berlin) sowie Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Prof. Dr. Karl Riesenhuber, M.C.J.). Mitautor des Handbuches Kreile/Becker/Riesenhuber (Hrsg.), „Recht und Praxis der GEMA“ (erscheint November 2005 bei De Gruyter Recht).

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