Vietnam, In Black & White

First, I would like to dedicate this book to all Americans and other countries that were there as peace keepers and to their loved ones who lost their brave family members. This is the hard part, we will see and read things we want like in this book about this war. This is only a short edition of my memoir . . . Second, this is a story about how we learn the lessons of war. Excerpts, and chapters in this book does not deal with politics. Being young during the Vietnam War made us all become men after a few night battles. We must support our troops at any war . . . Third, the battles, the enemy, the way the time changes as the years go by. All of this has an effect on us, we learn about race, color, and living together as one. The most I have learned is that people in third world countries who did not have new technology have also learned. This book will show us how we take life for granted, Amen . . . And last, my book shows you how to fight with what you have in a battle zone, trying to get the proud pilots, the ground troops, and the engineers who are in every unit, coordinating convoys with live ammo and supplies, with intelligent radio communications during all operations of war . . . R/J