Villa urbaine / Urban Villa

The typology of the townhouse originated in the late 19th century yet still represents a viable and attractive alternative to the detached single-family home. Several apartments spread across up to five floors are connected by a common staircase. In terms of urban planning, this type of structure makes it possible to reconcile dense urban settlement with open green spaces.
Specially commissioned photographs and plan drawings of eight exemplary Lausanne townhouses illustrate texts written by international authors, who unfold the theme in its worldwide relevance.

With contributions by

  • Martine Jaquet
  • Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani
  • Luca Ortelli
  • Jonathan Sergison
  • Martin Steinmann
  • Oswald Mathias Ungers
  • Filip Dujardin (photographer)

Benoît Jacques, Architekt, Lausanne/Thonon-les-Bains;

Rui Filipe Pinto, Architekt, Zürich