Stephen deals wth a brilliant thesis on ''How to navigate in a non-linear world,'' with an elegant theory and great practical illustrations. Bala Chakravarthy (Professor, IMD, Switzerland) Kim''s book looks facinating. I can''t wait to dig into it. Gary Pisano (Professor, Harvard Business School) Indeed, Stephen''s work will make important contributions to the development of the theory at the age of high speed. Changgi WU (Professor, Guanghua School of Management, Peking Univ.) The topic of this book is very interesting! Margaret Peteraf (Professor, Dartmouth) Dynamic Management has important implications for firms in dynamic changing environments in the globalization era. I integrate them in my teaching. Jiangyong LU (Associate Professor, SEM, Tsinghua Univ.) Stephen suggests new perspectives for strategic management. Junjiro Shintaku (Professor, Univ. of Tokyo) Professor Kim''s outstanding career as a leading business academic is now in a single-volume book in which adaptive goodness outsmarts age-old competitive advantage. Dong Sung Cho (Professor of Stratgy, Seoul National Univ.)