We Can't Run Away From This

What if running in beautiful places was paradoxically contributing to the destruction of those precious environments and causing irreversible global harm to people and animals too? In We Can't Run Away From This, ultrarunner Damian Hall examines the impact of running in our climate and ecological emergency. Packed with insights from experts, it is an enlightening read which will prompt us all to really think about our kit, food and travel, and to identify simple changes we can make to our running and wider lives. But Damian also asks if concentrating on our individual footprints (pun unintended) is really the answer. We can't run away from this any more, and this book will give every runner ideas about how to live and exercise more sustainably.

Damian Hall is a parent, accidental activist and record-breaking ultrarunner who has represented Great Britain and competed in some of the world's toughest races. His attempt to break into the top ten at the 105-mile Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc was made into an award-winning film, Underdog; and the documentary Totally FKT followed him and John Kelly as they raced to break the Pennine Way record in 2020. Damian has also set records on the Paddy Buckley Round, the South West Coast Path, the Cape Wrath Trail, and Wainwright's Coast to Coast. He is a UK Athletics running coach and a widely published journalist who has made regular contributions to Runner's World, Women's Running and Trail Running. His previous books include In It for the Long Run, A Year on the Run and the official National Trail guide to the Pennine Way. He is a big fan of midlife-crisis haircuts and tea.

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