Welcome to God's Kingdom (Luke 17

We make decisions in everyday life that are pleasing to the Lord, so often, we do what we don't want and don't do what we want. Paul of the Bible had the same problem as he wrote in Romans 7:15 (ESV): "For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very things I hate." Reading this book will help a person to understand the motivational forces that drive the human creature to act and respond to the world around them. This book explains how the inner man and the outer man are at war with God's will in each of our lives. By understanding the problem each person faces is within themselves, they have a better chance of overcoming their problem of doing the right thing. The right thing is what God's will is in their life. Choosing the right actions requires a person to overcome themselves and follow God's will. This book explains finding and doing the will of God. This book teaches the three wills of God to direct a person to the perfect will of God. The author uses his own life story to explain how he turned his life around and has learned how to deal with himself to overcome himself and Satan's roadblocks keeping him from the Paul dilemma. This book teaches a person how to become unselfish and to be concerned about others and their needs. This is what God wants all of His human creatures to become, more selfless. This book teaches how to overcome the self-motivated human creature to be more serving of others and to be more pleasing to God. This book makes us more heaven-ready when God chooses to take us home to be with Him. Reading this book will do the following: Explain how to be saved. How being saved is the only way to heaven. How Jesus was and is the best example of unselfishness. How our Jesus loved us more than Himself. This book helps to prepare a person to spend the rest of their life (on this earth and eternity) walking in the Kingdom of God. This book will help its readers to live in God's Kingdom. Christianity is living a life of being Christlike. This book teaches believers to live a God-pleasing life in God's Kingdom. God's Kingdom is inside every believer (Luke 7:12). Every person is invited to accept Christ and receive the Kingdom of God to indwell them. This book will explain what is expected of them. Each saved person has the responsibility to live their life as a citizen of God's Kingdom--living a life that lets others know they are welcome to God's Kingdom. Don't miss reading this book if you want to know how to please the King of kings, our Lord, and how to live in the perfect will of God.