Who are the 'new' fathers? The changing role of fathers in the family and family policy

Bachelor Thesis from the year 2020 in the subject Social Work, , language: English, abstract: The 'family model' has changed significantly in recent years. More and more fathers are taking an active role in the care and upbringing of their children and parental leave is increasingly being shared between mothers and fathers. What constitutes the 'new' fathers and to what extent has a new understanding of their role been established with them? How is this trend portrayed in the media? What types of fathers are there? Daniel Stachowiak takes a look at the development of the father role. He describes the obstacles that committed fathers have to face and explains how social work can help. His book is aimed at interested fathers, social workers/educators as well as managers, whom he recommends to make their companies family-friendly for fathers as well. From the contents: - Family Policy; - Change of consciousness; - understanding of roles; - Equality; - Fathers' work; - Family income

Abschlüsse/ Qualifikationen/ Erfahrungen: - 20 Jahre Finanzamt (Finanzwirt) - staatl. geprüfter Betriebswirt - BA Sozialarbeiter - BA Sozialpädagogik - Jugendleiterschein - Erlebnispädagogik Bogenschießen - 2 Jahre Arbeitskreis Väter Stadt Dortmund - 1 1/2 Jahre Mütterzentrum Vätergruppen (u.a. für Väter mit Umgangsrecht unter Auflagen) - Diverse Angebote für Väter in Kindergärten - Seit 2019 Sozialpädagogische Fachkraft in der Schuleingangsphase (Förderung von Schüler*innen in der ersten und zweiten Klasse u.a. im Bereich der Motorik, Wahrnehmung, Feinmotorik, Graphomotorik und Lernförderung in einer Grundschule in Dortmund) - verheiratet und 3 tolle Kinder

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