Women Use of Oral Contraceptives - Does it have any Effect on Haematological Parameters?

Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Medizin - Anatomie, Physiologie, Cytologie, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The results of 90 apparently healthy women between the age of 17 to 39 years old on oral contraceptives for not less than six months tested for hematological parameters for the month of July, 2011and comparing the results obtained with the local reference values showed that ;Rbc: 4.40 × 109/L, Hb:12.38g/dl, Ht: 38.1L/L, MCV:86.94FL, MCH:28.8pg, MCHC:31.50 %, RDW-CV: 12.98, Total WBC:7.40× 109/L, Platelet 272× 109/L all values in mean were recorded. It was observed that 1.1% were thrombocytopenic and anemic, whereas 3.3% were of the mild leucocytosis. Nevertheless, the results were not clinical and statistical significant. Finally the study concluded that no significant effects were observed on hematological parameters due to oral contraceptive use and the women of Porto Novo should continue to use oral contraceptives correctly to prevent unwanted and or unnecessary pregnancies with the instruction of a Nursing officer in charge of the reproductive section.

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