Yellow Bull

It started as a whole another story based on movie character, to be changed to a more of an easy reading, good vibes book with this first introduction to main person Nick and his friends Miranda's, Kates and Nikki's journey in life and business. You get to follow along their fast paced life and all the amazing people they meet, from around the world, that goes from zero to hundred with grit, grind, hustle and party. First book in the series of Yellow Bull and sequal is released in 2023.

Briefly described, Tom Steen is an creative person in his 40's now, who has his roots in Scandinavia. Likes writing obviously , though this was in his later years that writing became an interest and something to put time in. He has been involved mostly behind the scenes in movie projects with casting, sound technician and also in younger days front of camera and participating in theatres. Yellow Bull is the first publicly released book of Tom and he has already started to write the next one in the series, that is planned to be released next year.