Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White - Volume 2 present you this new edition. Appointment by President Harrison. My stay in London Lord Rothschild, his view of Russian treatment of the Jews. Sir Julian Goldschmidt, impression made by him. Paris, the Vicomte de Vogue, funeral of Renan, the Duke de la Rochefoucauld. Our Minister, William Walter Phelps, and others at Berlin, talk with Count Shuvaloff. Arrival in St. Petersburg. Deadening influences: paralysis of energy as seen on the railways, little apparent change in externals since my former visit, change wrought by emancipation of the serfs. Improvement in the surroundings of the Emperor. Visit to the Foreign Office. Presentation to Alexander III, his view of the Behring Sea Question, his acquiescence in the American view, his allusion to the Chicago Exposition. My conversation with the Archbishop of Warsaw. Conversation with the Empress, her reference to the Rev. Dr. Talmage. Impression made upon me by the Emperor. My presentation to the heir to the Throne, now the Emperor Nicholas II, his evident limitations, main cause of these. Presentation to sundry Grand Dukes

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