Bildung vor Bildern

In the presence of art, education involuntarily takes place - and not just there. However it is certainly easier to notice here than in everyday life, where images are always occurring to us. This can neither be halted nor can it be promoted with precision. The experience of psychoanalysis however shows that images which occur to us do not only have the capacity to educate, but can also lead to rigidification, even to foolishness. The need to protect oneself through imagined images can lead to an excessive distance to the world, to imaginary autonomy and confidence, to the point where unconscious protective images hardly allow any new experiences at all. This volume is about breaking through and letting go, expropriation, refusal, metamorphosis, dissolution, vacillation, rebuilding, and archetypes.

Karl-Josef Pazzini (Prof. Dr.), geb. 1950, hat Philosophie, Theologie, Erziehungswissenschaft, Mathematik und Kunstpädagogik studiert und arbeitet als Psychoanalytiker in Berlin und Hamburg. Er war von 1993 bis 2014 Professor für Bildende Kunst und Bildungstheorie an der Universität Hamburg. Zu seinen Forschungsthemen gehören: Bildung vor Bildern, Psychoanalyse & Lehren, Kindliche Unschuld, Schuld sowie das Konzept der Übertragung.

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