Since 1982, the renowned Civil War historian James I. ",Bud",Robertson's Civil War Sites in Virginia: A Tour Guide has enlightened andinformed Civil War enthusiasts and scholars alike. The book expertly explores thecommonwealth's Civil War sites for those hoping to gain greater insight and understanding ofthe conflict. But in the years since the book's original publication, accessibility to manysites and the interpretive material available have improved dramatically. In addition, newhistorical markers have been erected, and new historically significant sites have been developed,while other sites have been lost to modern development or other encroachments. The historian BrianSteel Wills offers here a revised and updated edition that retains the core of the original guide,with its rich and insightful prose, but that takes these major changes into account, introducingespecially the benefits of expanded interpretation and of improved accessibility. The guideincorporates new information on the lives of a broad spectrum of soldiers and citizens whilerevisiting scenes associated with the era's most famous personalities. New maps and a list ofspecialized tour suggestions assist in planning visits to sites, while three dozen illustrations,from nineteenth-century drawings to modern photographs, bring the war and its impact on the OldDominion vividly to life. With the sesquicentennial remembrances of the American Civil Warheightening interest and spurring improvements, there may be no better time to learn about and visitthese important and moving sites than now.

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Civil War Sites in Virginia Jr. James I. Robertson, Brian Steel Wills

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