Emission mechanism as part of the monetary system, monetary and economic policy and of the different operations that may mean financial repression

Scientific Study from the year 2012 in the subject Economics - Macro-economics, general, University of Novi Sad, course: Economics, language: English, abstract: At the beginning of this article we have to say that the readers, in order to obtain more comprehensive information about what is actually happening in the World of money and finance, can expect not only broader, but also a more complex elaboration about its creation, the one that is presented in the article 'The initial explanation of money creation - opens the door to uncovering its mystery and virtuality.' Generally it is not excluded that there will be those who will stand on the notion that it is inappropriate and that the emission of money is no longer a highly topical issue, pointing to the arguments that, in a sense, 'are true, but not the whole truth '. For example, stating that the issue of money creation and the monetary system as a whole is not as current as it used to be, and according to many the same goes for monetary policy, the following theses and reasons are mentioned: (1) 'The bogeyman' of (hyper)inflation has been globally overcome and the situation today is quite different from that in the larger part of the second half of the twentieth century. In other words, many will insist that, already at the end of the twentieth century, especially in the current period, financial instability (anyhow we define it) and the financial domain in general (that is, how the money is used), have become a more acute problem than the monetary, price instability, then inflation; (2) from this fact, can be drawn consequential thesis, which reduce actuality and importance of money emission; (3) or, in other words, a conclusion is drawn that the focus is not any more on the activities related to the existence, disruption of equilibrium and restoration of macro-monetary balance of supply of (Ms) and demand money (Md) - which means the mechanisms and policies of issuing money - but this place being taken over by finance, financial system, financial (in)stability. Or, to put it differently, or even more clearly: in the foreground, there is an outbreak of incredible expansion of modalities of use of money and a number of implications that arise from these modalities.

Curriculum Vitae - kratka biografija Prof. dr Stanka Radmilovi?a, ex-premiera Srbije PERSONALNI PODACI: Ime i prezime: Stanko (Milana) Radmilovi? Adresa: Novi Sad - 21108 Sremska Kamenica, Slobodana Baji?a 49 E-mail: stan.radmil.@gmail.com Datum ro?enja: 21. jul 1936. OBRAZOVANJE: Ekonomski fakultet: u Osijeku - industrijski smer Postiploski studije: Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu, monetarna ekonomija Doktorat: na ekonomskom fakultetu u Beogradu, iz oblasti finansiranja investicija PROFESIONALNA/RADNA AKTIVNOST 1960 - 1963 u LJevaonici ?eljeza, Slav Po?ega, na poslovima planiranja, 1963 - 1967 u DIP 'Lipa', Slav. Po?ega, finansijski direktor i pomo?nik generalnog direktora, 1967 - 1971 u Beo?inu, finansijski direktor BFC, 1971 - 1973 u Vojvo?anskoj banci, ?ef kraktoro?nog kreditaranja, 1973 - 1976 u Beo?inskoj fabrici, direktor Fabrike cementa u izgradnji i istovremeno zamenik generalnog direktora BFC, 1976 - 1986 u Vojvo?anskoj banci - Udru?enoj banci, pomo?nik generalnog direktora, ?lan poslovodnog odbora i i direktor Ekonomskog centra za planiranje, razvoj i nau?no-istra?iva?ki rad, 1986 - 1988 delegat u Skup?tini SFR, ?lan delegacije APU u ve?u republika i pokrajina, Od februara do decembra 1988, ?lan predsedni?tva SKJ, Decembar 1989 - januar 1991 predsednik Izvr?nog ve?a Februar - juli 1991. samostalni nau?ni savetnik u Vojvo?anskoj banci - udru?enoj banci Juli 1991 - decembar 1991 v.d. generalnog direktora Naftne industrije Srbije 1992 - 1994 samostalni nau?ni savetnik u Vojvo?anskoj banci - udru?enoj banci 1994 - 2001 inicijator osnivanja, najve?i akcionar i generalni direktor Financing Centra a.d. u Novom sadu 2001 - u penziji. UNIVERZITETSKA AKTIVNOST 1980. godine biran u zvanje docenta za predmet Ekonomska politika Jugoslavije na Pravnom fakultetu u Novom Sadu 1992. godine biran u zvanje vanrednog profesora ekonomije na Tehni?kom fakultetu "Mihajlo Pupin" u Zrenjanin, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu 1994. godine izabran u zvanje redovnog profesiora za predmet Ekonomija na Univeritetu u Novom Sadu Predavao na redovnim i postiplomskim studijama na Pravnom fakultetu u Novom Sadu, Ekonomskom fakultetu u Subotici, Tehni?kom fakultetu u Zrenjaninu, Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, Rijeci, Titogradu VOLONTERSKA JANA AKTIVNOST U?estvovao u izradi Dugoro?nog programa ekonomske stabilizacije 1982. godine, prvenstveno Antinflacionog programa, Bio ?lan Komisije Saveznog izvr?nog ve?a za reformu privrednog sistema, 1988. godine, Bio ?lan Komisije za izradu ...