European Studies. A 'normal' science?

Essay aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Europäische Union, Note: 8/10, Universiteit Maastricht, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This essay looks into the field of European Studies and if it can be considered a 'normal' science. How does the academic discourse about the European Union integrate EU Studies in order to solve analytical problematics? There is an old dispute within academia of European studies: Whether the EU should be acknowledged as N=1, as a unique political phenomenon. Such phenomenon requires a specific methodology and magnifying lenses to understand the processes on European Union level. Or whether it should be acknowledged as political entity with comparative research from political science on on national or international level. Beyond this methodological dichotomy lies the concept of Thomas S. Kuhn's notion of 'normal science' (1970). It brings into question, whether European Studies is a normal science in the Kuhnian perspective. In this regard I argue that European studies is not a normal science and more fundamentally, should never be a normal science. To fully comprehend this statement, a look on a broad definition of normal science, as well as on the theorizing progress in the field of European studies is elaborated.